Jacob's Ladder Purse

Jacob's Ladder Purse

Jacob's Ladder Purse

Hook Size: 4.5 mm

Weight: 4 medium

Foundation Row: Chain 40

Row 1: Right Side double crochet into third chain from hook this counts as first double crochet double crochet in next 4 chains * chain 6, double crochet into foundation chain for the next 5 chains.* Repeat once from * to * and turn.

Row 2 - 14: chain 2, double crochet in first 5 spaces* chain 6, double crochet into nest 5 spaces. Repeat once. Turn. Fasten off after row 14.

With right side of work facing, pull up the loops starting at the bottom twisting once and looping through the next loop to create the Jacob's Ladder.

Edging: With right side facing, attach yarn to the top of the project. Chain 3
counts as first double crochet, work another 3 double crochet in the same spot, double crochet in next 4 stitches, (slip stitch into toop of Jacob's laddr loop double crochet in nest 5 stitches) twice, * work another three double crochet in last stitch made, and work half double crochet across top.

Sew in lining and handle.

Weave in all the ends in at least three differne t direction to ensure that the ends of the project dont come loose through use.

By Pumpkin Spice

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