Mosaic Granny Square Dishcloth

Mosaic  Granny Square Dishcloth

Mosaic Granny Square Dishcloth

Hook size: 4.5 mm

Weight: 4

Foundation row: chain 4

Row 1: 2 double crochet in 4th chain from hook, * chain 2 (3 double crochet in the same chain as last double crochet worked)* repeat from * to* three times.

Row 2: chain 3( this counts as first double crochet) (2 double crochet, chain 2, 3 double crochet) in same corner space chain 2 space, chain 1, skip next 3 stitches* (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in next corner chain 2 space, chain 1, skip next 3 stitches* repeat from * to* around row ending with a 3 double crochet completing the corner.

Row 3: in any corner chain 2 space chain 3( this counts as first double crochet) work 2 double crochet into same chain 2 space, skip next 3 stitches, double crochet in next space then yarn over the hook twice, insert hook from front to back then from back to front around post of stitch indicated, yarn over the hook, pull though stitch pulling up on the hook until there is a long 1 inch loop
(yarn over, pull through 2 loops on hook) 3 centre stitch 2 rows below in 3 stitch group, double crochet in same chain 1 space, skip next three stitches,
*( 3 double crochet, chain 2, 3 double crochet) in corner chain 2 space, skip next 3 stitches, double crochet in next space, yarn over the hook twice, insert hook from front to back then from back to front around post of stitch indicated, yarn over the hook, pull through stitch pulling up on hook until there is a long 1 inch loop (yarn over pull through 2 loops on hook) three times in center stitch 2 rows below in 3 stitch group, double crochet in same chain space, skip next 3 stitches* repeat from * to*
around,ending with 3 double crochet Chain 2 join with slip stitch to top
of beginning chain 3.

Row 4: chain 3 ( this counts as first double crochet) 2 double crochet in same space yarn over the hook twice, insert hook from front to back then from back to front around post of stitch indicated, yrn over the hook, pull through stitch pulling up on hook until there is a long 1 inch loop( yarn over, pull through 2 loops on hook) three times.then double crochet in same space skip next three spaces twice.* repeat from * to * around ending with 3 double crochet. Chain 2 join with slip stitch to top of beginning chain three.

Row 5: in any corner 2 space chain 3( this counts as first double crochet) 2 double crochet in same beginning chain 2 space, skip next three stitches* double crochet in next space, yarn over the hook twice, insert hook from front to back then back to front around post of stitch indicated, yarn over the hook, pull through stitch pulling up on hook until there is a long 1 inch loop yarn over pull through 2 loops on hook, three times in centre double crochet 2 rows below in 3 stitch group, double crochet in same space skip next 3 stitches. * repeat from* to* across to next corner chain 2 space. **( 3 double crochet Chain 2 3 double crochet) in the next corner chain 2 space skip next 3 stitches, repeat from * to* across to next corner chain 2 space **, repeat from ** to** around ending with 3 double crochet. Chain 2 join with a slip stitch to top of beginning chain 3.

Row 6: repeat row 5

Row 7: repeat row 5

Row 8: repeat row 5

Row 9 and 10: single crochet around project.

Weave in all ends in at least three different directions to ensure that the ends of the project don't come loose through use.

Inspired by Creative Grandma

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